
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Natural desaster

Thinking the level of joy I am feeling
indicates the level of awareness,
I am trapped in a natural desaster.

Holding up a one-way mirror

indicates MY OWN hidingplace
I am likewise trapped in projection.

Sometimes a story told from the heart

indicates more consciousness
than intentionally no words from the mind.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


A surprise for my friend Kornelia, 
who is in hospital right now.
Instead of flowers so to speak :o)

Foto used as reference:

Acrylics on wood
36 x 50 cm

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A poem by Benno

In brilliant fashion do you frame the light
Its hard to know its you, though it just might
Many here love to talk , even venture to walk
They say break me,
gently though
Touch me ,
softly now
heal me,
lovingly so
My broken dreams ,my silent cry
Love me , fill my emptiness
Thirsty, Maddening
The eternal spring beckons
What blocks its flow
Is what I need to know
What is that song I hear
I dance ,we dance
in dance we now don't fear 


thanks Benno!

Ein Männlein steht im Walde ...

Ein Männlein steht im Walde ganz still und stumm,
Es hat von lauter Purpur ein Mäntlein um.
Sagt, wer mag das Männlein sein,
Das da steht im Wald allein
Mit dem purpurroten Mäntelein.

Das Männlein steht im Walde auf einem Bein
Und hat auf seinem Haupte schwarz Käpplein klein,
Sagt, wer mag das Männlein sein,
Das da steht im Wald allein
Mit dem kleinen schwarzen Käppelein?

Das Männlein dort auf einem Bein
Mit seinem roten Mäntelein
Und seinem schwarzen Käppelein
Kann nur die Hagebutte sein.

~ August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tinny Snowman???

Marvin desperately wants to belong ...


Acrylics and ink on board
~ 60 x 40 cm

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fulfilling oneself

Fulfilling oneself

Free as the wind that I am
Joyful as the bird that I am
Warm as the sun that I am
Peaceful as the tree that I am

I am fulfilled as All that I am

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Satya II

I tried again :-)


 Whole Painting:

water color, acrylics and colored pencil on paper
~ 50 x 60 cm

Monday, September 20, 2010



I experimented with a new technique and painted on a very rough medium.
I am not really satisfied with the painting as a whole, 
although it was a pleasure to paint this cute guy!!

Here is the pic as whole (the waves are a screen artefact):

Acrylics on high density fibre board
50 x 62 cm 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Poppies, tulips, leaves and rubber boots :-)

A stillife and flowers, and a drawing of divers leaves.

Acryl (first time for me) on canvas, 30 x 20 cm


Gouache (first time for me) on paper, 30 x 20 cm


Water color on canvas, 30 x 20 cm


Colored pencil on paper, 30 x 20 cm

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The love of my life is life


Today life wants to be lived fully
savoring every second
like the last drop of water in the desert
My skin like a grown-out skirt
too small for this big, ever expanding entity
moving me through the world

Today life wants to be lived silently
savoring every second
like the last moment of stillness
My skin dangling like an over-sized skirt
too big for this essence-concentrated entity
moving me through the inner field

The love of my life is life


toscana in colors

Water color and joy on paper
~ 30 x 24 cm

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Vancouver ET TV attendees :-)

I had to wait for some colors get dry and made a quick sketch in the meantime.
Not perfect, but ... it was fun!

Kev, Ford, Dorian, Benno, Ali

Monday, September 13, 2010


In a purrple purradise
we are all a purrt of the purrfect spurr

wouff - says the dog
lets go to the pleasure grounds, eeehm, purrk

.....C' °° 'O.....

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Again I was in absolute color-mode yesterday 
and let the brush dance over the paper.
And again this was inspired by Clarissa Pinkola Estes 
and her book Der Tanz der Großen MutterThe Dancing Grandmothers

water color and Gouache on paper
54×60 cm


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Vessels of Love: testing one...

Doreen shows her handmade,
filled up with love vessels in that youtube video.
She explains how the pieces come into existence through her.

HA! I am a proud owner of such a beautiful vessel.

Monday, September 6, 2010


water color and water color pencil on paper
20 x 40 cm

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Parting - a poem by justme - Homage to Aisling and Olli

Like a little boat on a vast ocean
bumping and thrashing wave upon wave knowing not where she goes.
Not able to stop, or steer or slow.
She rides the waves of life,first she ascends so high and then rockets to the hardened low.
Again and again and again , thumping, churning the dark dense cold.
She asked not for this journey.
She wished only to stay on land.
Her sons they cling to the sides looking for mother to take them home.
Fathers gone they must stay the course, of waves, of life,of death.
They must stay the course until one day the waves fall lighter and eventually sit still.
For now not even love can break the power of the waves.
For love is lost.
The light for now is gone.
The sun may shine but never will it warm.
Take my hand dear woman that I might lead you upon the shore.
For your home awaits you though your heart so forlorn.
I am the constant and the brave.
Place your head upon my chest.
Hush now woman of the universe,
dry your childrens tears
be still my child and just you rest.
Close your eyes and let us move with the waves,
surrender to the moment,the movement, this life
For you are a brave and perfect mother, lover, wife.

Water color, water color pencils and white Gouache on paper
54 x 60 cm

Merging of 3

I paint that picture
to show what I feel

You watch that picture
and realise what you feel

Creation becomes real
when shown and realised match

Creator and beholder become ONE
through the heART