one of my paintings was chosen as an illustration in the book *Dog Sayings*.
Artists fom 50 countries are involved.
Short description:
New Book Dedicated to the Dog Lover is Released Featuring Dog Art from Around the Globe “DOG SAYINGS: wit & wisdom from man’s best friend” is a collection of dog art and text that is dedicated to celebrating dogs in all of their glory
This dog art book showcases artwork and the funniest, most insightful, and most heart-warming quotations about dogs.
This collaborative publication has two goals in mind:
first, to honor and highlight man’s best friend though text and artwork,
and secondly, to showcase talents of new and emerging artists.
In February 2010, both professional and nonprofessional, were invited to submit their work to be a part of this dog book.
The end result includes 50 artists from countries including the US, UK, Canada, Scotland, Australia, Germany, Russia and Switzerland.
DOG SAYINGS features a variety of artistic styles including dog photography, illustrations, and paintings.
If you love dogs you will love this book.
If you love art you will love this book.